Stake EpicNFT

Each MintTWIN transaction will have 10% used to buy TWIN as a reward for Stakers participating in EpicNFT Staking.

Each MintTWIN transaction will have 10% used to buy TWIN as a reward for Stakers participating in EpicNFT Staking.

  • Rewards will be distributed every 7 days

  • Stake calculation formula for 7-day Stake package:

NumberofindividualNFTs/TotalnumberofparticipatingNFTsNumber of individual NFTs / Total number of participating NFTs
  • Stake calculation formula for 30-day or more Stake package:

NumberofindividualNFTs/TotalnumberofparticipatingNFTs30daysormoreNumber of individual NFTs / Total number of participating NFTs 30 days or more

Last updated