
Make your USDT grow safely with a 36.5% APR (annual profit).

Benefits of the Lender

  • The loan is secured by collateral and liquidation conditions.

  • Collect interest every 15 days, or the borrower can prepay interest for many cycles to you.

  • Your USDT capital is safely protected on the smart contract until someone borrows it.

How to start?

First, you need to have a TradingGPT account (if you don't have an account, contact the person who gave you this information and receive a referral link from them)

Step 1

Log in to your account and select Lending

Step 2

Select Register as a Lender

Step 3

Deposit the amount of USDT you want to lend into the smart contract

Step 4

After depositing USDT is completed. Select Loan setup to set up your loan

Step 5

Start setting up your loan. Please see detailed explanations in the "?" so you can better understand the meaning of each parameter

After setting the parameters. Click SAVE to create a lending pool.

You can deposit or withdraw USDT from the Lending Pool at any time.

Step 6

Manage your loans and enjoy profits when Borrowers come to you.